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What are the Water Quality Monitoring Items in Environmental Testing?
Date:2024-10-25 Browse: 27

We know that the general factory environmental testing object is not a single, it has water quality, atmosphere, soil and other aspects of the test, the specific detection indicators are based on the environmental impact assessment report approved on the detection factor to carry out relevant testing, then Hangzhou Moody technology as a water quality online monitor manufacturers, I would like to take this opportunity to understand with you what are the water quality monitoring projects in environmental testing.


Water Quality Monitoring Project

Domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater, drinking water, groundwater, industrial cooling water, central air conditioning water, sea water.

Water temperature, odor, chroma, turbidity, acidity, alkalinity, transparency, total residue, pH value, salinity, total hardness, suspended matter, sulfide, conductivity, total salt content, five-day biochemical oxygen demand, permanganate index, silver, aluminum, barium, hexavalent chromium, total chromium, nickel, iron, manganese, potassium, etc., dissolved oxygen, ammonia nitrogen (ammonium salt), Kjelloin nitrogen, subsub Nitrate (nitrogen), fluoride, nitrate (nitrogen), nitrate, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, dissolved orthophosphate, chloride, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, volatile phenols, petroleum, animal and vegetable oils, anionic surfactants, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, p-xylene, o-xylene, m-xylene, styrene, etc.


Hangzhou Modi-Tech is a production of water quality online monitor manufacturers, the main products are: COD online analyzer, total phosphorus/total nitrogen/ammonia nitrogen online analyzer, water chroma online analyzer, water heavy metal online analyzer, biological toxicity online analyzer, Escherichia coli online analyzer, total residual chlorine online analyzer, special pollution (nitrous nitrogen, fluoride, chloride, etc.) online monitoring equipment.